Why a pill or a stretch or an exercise to strengthen a muscle never resolves the problem.

  Science has made massive progress over the last century. But, as we zoom in more and more on the infinite detail of the parts, we tend to forget the global, panoramic view. This is particularly so in looking at the living human being. This reductionist approach means that we don’t see the blindingly obvious… Continue reading Why a pill or a stretch or an exercise to strengthen a muscle never resolves the problem.

Forget willpower, deprivation, struggle – just reset your hormones to lose the fat.

  Do you believe it’s really hard to lose fat and feel better? Do you think it must require enormous willpower, great deprivation, gruelling training sessions etc. etc? Well I’m hearing exactly the opposite from clients. Today again I was told by a client that they thought it was going to be really difficult to… Continue reading Forget willpower, deprivation, struggle – just reset your hormones to lose the fat.