100 Mile Run -The Final Frontier (at least for me)

This Saturday at 10am I will be setting off with another 300-400 fellow lunatics from Richmond on Thames on a 100 mile non stop foot race, following the River Thames, finishing in Oxford sometime on Sunday. This is my third and ultimate endurance challenge over the last 2 years, having completed the 100 kilometre Race… Continue reading 100 Mile Run -The Final Frontier (at least for me)

Ditch the calorie counting – you know it doesn’t work!

For the umpteenth time yesterday I found myself having this familiar conversation with a client. His BMI was in the obese category, his body fat way above healthy levels, along with visceral fat. As usual, the conversation went something like this; Client: “I can’t understand why I’m not losing weight. I train regularly and I… Continue reading Ditch the calorie counting – you know it doesn’t work!